Quality Techniques Newsletter


San Francisco Bay Area
California, USA
Belgium, EU

QW/QWE Consolidated Conference Material Inventory

Mission Summary
The mission of the QW/QWE Conferences is to bring advanced technology R&D work relating to internet and software quality, testing and process, contemporary internet and software quality and testing needs, and knowledge and experience from the internet and software quality industry together in a balanced technical forum.

QW/QWE Conferences are distinguished from other technical conferences and workshops by how the technical program is composed and by how the conference is run.

Conference Advisory Board
The Advisory Board reviews and controls the content of the conferences.

Conference Technical Content and Positioning
QW/QWE is aimed to be mid-way between a pure Academic Conference and a pure Trade Show. Conference Sponsors and Affiliations Affinity Group Meetings and "Birds of a Feather" Sessions Keynote and Special Speakers Awards Venue and Logistics Special Events Conference Exhibition Organizational Structure